Monday, November 25, 2013


Today my teacher wasn't there so we had a substitute teacher. She was really nice and I got to learn about more about substitute teaching. For the longest time I thought that subs were only retired teachers or people who could only work "part-time" I honestly had no idea that being a sub could be your actually job. She told me about how she works and apparently there's this thing called permanent substitute teachers where they are hired by a school to work everyday to replace the teachers who are taking a personal day, which i think is a pretty cool idea, but unfortunately most schools cant afford this. There was an assembly before I showed up so the kids were a little wound up and we were behind all day. I was told to do some testing with the kids but I didn't know what to do or how to test them so I looked for another first grade teacher but for some reason they disappeared and I just had to do my best guess. The highlight of my day came when, on account of it raining, the kids had their second indoor recess. Another one of the 1st grade teachers came in and invited all the kids to play a game with them in the gym so all the kids in my class left, except one. So she and I just sat on the floor and colored. It was the most fun I had all week.

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